Doctor Who: Pertinacia

by Lumidaub

What's all this then 🐧

Pertinacia is my on-going Doctor Who fancomic. It's a fluffy ThirteenRose reunion thing that you can also read on AO3 (where you can leave comments and get notified when I update *hinthint*).

Originally, this was supposed to be just a small series of images to pass the time until the 60th anniversary of Doctor Who in mid to late 2023. It quickly grew to a life-consuming project. Tentatively, it's going to be 10-11 chapters.

(I say tentatively because I first had 4 planned, then 6, then 8 and recently added another maybe 3 to the plan because these two silly girls are refusing to just get their shit together)

Oh and this website is obviously VERY under construction (insert here construction_worker.gif like in the 90s).

Update: 2024-09-14



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